Casting is a crucial manufacturing technique, especially regarding alloy castings. Products created using this technique are applied in a vast array of sectors.Melting material is poured into a mold to create a casting. Once it has hardened, it transforms into a metal piece that can take on a variety of shapes. Do note that the type of component required determines the molder. Hence, it’s essential to know the different kinds of alloy before using them.

ring with alloy castings

Different Kinds of Alloys

Aluminum Alloy

Die-cast aluminum alloys had previously been used to make surgical instruments and are frequently found in vehicle parts and gears. They are more expensive to produce but are often more robust and lighter than most zinc-based materials.Aluminum alloys, of which a popular grade is made up of 92% aluminum combined with 8% copper, can eliminate the requirement for finishing treatments like plating. Such an alloy can have magnesium added to it to boost its tensile strength from around 21,000 pounds per square inch to about 32,000 pounds per square inch.

Bronze and Brass Alloys

Most bronze and brass alloys can be die cast just as efficiently as zinc-based alloys. However, drilling small holes into the finished product must be done after casting.Washers, camshaft components, and decorative items are frequently made of bronze and brass (due to their distinctive color and potential for surface finishes). Moreover, die-casting bronze and brass may produce items with a tough exterior and exact interior requirements.

Zinc Alloy

Zinc-based materials respond well to die molding and are quite simple to die cast. These materials are made up of various metals in predetermined proportions.For instance, the usual composition of a zinc-based die casting workpiece is 86% zinc, 4%–7% copper, and 7%–10% tin. Tin content that is a little bit greater makes the workpiece more flexible, whereas higher copper content makes it more rigid. Additionally, the melting point of zinc alloys is between 700- and 800-degrees Fahrenheit.

alloy castings finished product

Learn More About Alloy Castings

Aside from zinc, bronze, brass, and aluminum alloys, you also have tin alloy and other options. Contact us for more information.