Industries engaged in forging rings, using various types of metals, face an increased pressure to enhance quality and profitability while decreasing environmental impact and costs. These industries are always in need of solutions that make results of superior quality. Some resort to a combination of forging and extrusion processes. Here’s what you need to know about the two processes.

How Does Forging and Extrusion Work?
When it comes to forging, industries employ two types of die forging depending on the density and intricacy of the material. At extreme pressure, the plastic deformation of the component between the two dies is engaged. This is to ensure that superior results are achieved.In the old days, forging was done to create metal components from hammering and heating. With today’s advancement, the process is made easier. Although it involves complicated processes, forging now requires fewer human resources and effort since most tasks machine-operated.
As for the extrusion process, it starts by deforming metal and transferring it into a chamber. Once everything is settled, the metal is then compressed by using extreme temperatures inside the chamber.High pressure is also applied inside either mechanically or hydraulically. Nickel and aluminum are the common metals used for extrusion, especially in processes that involve direct and elevated temperatures. Aside from these, steel and its alloys are also used in the extrusion process.
Metal Flow
Metal flow is an important factor to consider when deforming a metal. It must have a substantial reduction in the cross-sectional part of the process to make sure that the flow is undisturbed. Also, extrusion defects may occur if there are impurities and oxides caused due to the inhomogeneous flow of metal. When this happens, surface defects will thrust or be expelled into the center of the extruded parts.
Know More About Forging Rings
If you want to get more information about forging rings, you can schedule an appointment with our experts at Ferralloy Inc.!
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