Hot and cold forging are two different metal forming processes. While they are performed at significantly different temperatures, they deliver similar results. Several factors are taken into account when deciding between hot and cold forging. Let’s take a look at some of the differences between hot and cold forgings.

Hot Forging

When a piece of metal is hot forged, it is heated to extreme temperatures. The average temperatures necessary for hot forging are up to 1150 degrees Celsius for steel, 360 to 520 degrees Celsius for Al-Alloys, and 700 to 800 degrees Celsius for Cu-Alloys. This kind of extreme heat is necessary for avoiding strain hardening of the metal during deformation. Traditionally, manufacturers choose hot forging for the fabrication of parts that have a greater influence in the technical arena.

Cold Forging

While it is called cold forging, the process is not actually done at cold temperatures. It is called cold forging because the temperatures are significantly cooler than with hot forging. Cold forging is typically performed at room temperature and is generally preferred when the metal is already a soft metal, like aluminum. The most common metals in cold forging applications are usually standard or carbon alloy steels. Cold forging is chosen over hot forging because of its cost savings. Read this article here for a more detailed explanation of the cold forging process.

Are You Looking for Forgings?

Whether it’s hot or cold forging, Ferralloy has you covered. We offer high-quality forged parts for all types of projects. Contact us today to learn more about our forging process, or to place an order for forged parts for your next project.

what's the difference between hot and cold forgings?