Did you know that manufacturers have been using the casting technique since 1838? Although the basic aspects of the casting process haven’t changed much since then, modern-day machines and technological advancements make it possible to produce end products or parts in different ways – two of which are die casting and casting investment. If you’re curious to know the difference between both, take a look at this:

Die Casting Process

This metal casting process involves the injection of molten metal under high pressure into a mold cavity that’s made up of two steel dies. These steel dies have been hardened after being machined into shape. In most cases, non-ferrous metals such as aluminum, zinc, copper, magnesium, pewter, lead, and tin-based alloys are used in producing die castings. The manufacturer can use a hot-chamber or cold-chamber machine, depending on the type of metal or material that’s being cast. Furthermore, the die casting process is known to produce end products with an excellent surface finish as well as dimensional consistency. This method works best for manufacturing large quantities of small-sized to medium-size castings. For this reason, die casting creates more castings compared to any other casting method.

Casting Investment Process

Castings are based on lost wax casting. It’s one of the oldest metal-forming techniques that has been used for over 5,000 years. People in the olden days used beeswax to form the patterns they use in the casting process. Currently, manufacturers make patterns using advanced waxes, specialist alloys, and refractory materials. Casting involves coating a wax pattern with a refractory ceramic material before heat is applied to drain out the wax. Casting investment is known to produce metal and alloy parts with repeatability, accuracy, integrity, and versatility.

what is casting investment?

Looking for Casting Investment Help?

If you need more information about the die casting and casting investment process, contact Ferralloy, Inc. today. We’re your comprehensive engineered product resource.