Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining is more costly than die casting, but this varies depending on the production volume and kind of parts. It is frequently used to make the die and/or to add more advanced functionality to a die-cast product. Here are some of the factors to consider when comparing the various procedures to boost castings investment.

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Factors to Consider


Die casting leaves only a few scraps steel behind, making it more economical. When slicing away sections of a metal block, CNC machining can end up leaving a lot more waste. If you want to reduce waste but prefer CNC machining, you’ll need to set up a recycling system so that scrap metal may be reused.


Die casting can produce complex geometrical shapes with precision, but it can also produce surface defects such as flashes or burrs, which require machining to remove. CNC machining, especially for highly customized small parts, may produce final products with a high level of tolerance and precision. Die casting is still a fantastic alternative for making identical parts when the surface detail can be carved into the master mold.


Die casting is simpler, faster, and more reliable than CNC machining. Even if post-casting machining is needed, it will take much less time than machining a complicated object from a solid piece of steel. Die casting is more reliable for creating large quantities because of its faster production cycle. However, CNC machining might generate a shorter lead time when producing lower numbers if you have the digital model ready. When developing prototypes, it can also be quicker.

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Learn About Castings Investment

CNC machining does not require high tooling costs if you simply create a small volume of items. On the other hand, die casting is the best choice for reliable quantity and quality in big volume production.Contact Ferralloy today to know more about CNC machining, die casting, and castings investment!