Many among us are familiar with open die forging, either by studying it or simply seeing a glimpse of it in medieval films – where a blacksmith sweats over the forge, slowly pouring molten iron into an open-topped stone mold. So, what exactly is the barreling effect in this method?

Why is it Called Open Die Forging?
How Does Barreling Occur in Forging?
It is called “open die forging” because the die, in some cases, is a flat surface that doesn’t enclose the hot metal. During the procedure of an open die forging, if the height is not dropped uniformly, the barreling effect occurs.
When it Occurs
Non-uniform Temperature Distribution of The Hot Metal: If the dies are colder than the workpiece, the heat passes on between the metal workpiece and the dies. Due to this, the layers near the die surfaces become cooler than the layers of the metal at the center. Ergo, the thermal deformation in metal is non-uniform.Frictional Forces at the Die-work Piece Interfaces: Upon hot forging, the metal can be considered as a fluid, and because they are in a liquid form, the layers of material close to the die surfaces and undergoes frictional forces much more than the layers in the center. Hence, the surfaces of the die resist the deformation of the layers close to them.
How to Avoid Barreling
Barreling is generally undesirable and can be controlled by using effective lubrication to properly lubricate the die.
Looking for More Information About Open Die Forging?
To get further details about open die forging, contact Ferralloy, Inc. today! We are here to help you find exactly what you are looking for. Reach out to one of our professionals today by visiting our website or giving us a call.
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