Machined castings are required if you want to make a metal cast product that is unique. As soon as the mold leaves the factory, the castings aren’t always perfect. We may modify your casting to match your specific requirements thanks to machining. We keep it simple no matter what type of machining you need for your project. To get it up to your specifications, we employ metal components, a tool, and a machine.

inspection of machined castings

Machined Castings as a Workaround


The component is securely secured to the machine table during milling. To create various characteristics on the casting’s face, the cutting tools, which use interchangeable carbide or ceramic inserts, move and spin at the correct speed across the workpiece. On a horizontal or vertical axis, this can be done.

Grinding of Surfaces

It’s used to make a flat surface that’s precise. With non-ferrous castings, the component is held in place by a magnetic plate or a holding fixture. A carborundum grinding wheel, which rotates at a high rate to achieve the desired finish, is used to grind the castings outside edges.

Drilling by Hand

It’s used to make holes in the component by drilling or tapping them. The placement of the holes is determined by custom drilling fixtures or cast dimples that are inserted during casting production.


The final stage of the procedure is intended to ensure that the machining work is up to par with the specifications. During the machining process and after the casting is finished, automated equipment and probes are used to check the casting.

machined castings made of steel

How Do I Get Machined Castings?

Working with machinable castings may be tough. As a result, it’s vital to get your parts from a company that can both cast and machine them. If you’re looking for machined castings for your next project, we can help.Ferralloy Inc., formed in 1978, is able to provide you with high-quality as-cast or fully machined parts at a reasonable cost and on-time delivery at a reasonable price. We are a company that is focused on improving processes and providing excellent customer service. Contact our metalworking professionals today for more information or a quote for your machined castings!