Precision is key when creating reliable metal components. Whether you are looking for an investment casting or something else, machining for an industrial project is a way to ensure accuracy of cuts. But term machining has not always meant the same thing in the metalworking industry.As the technology of machining has changed, the definition of the term has as well. In the 18th century, a machinist simply would mean you could build or repair machines. This was done mostly by hand with forging and filing.Later on – around the mid-19th century – “to machine” came around, as the practice became more widespread. This would include the use of more efficient tools like drill presses and sharp cutting tools.Now, the term “machining” involves an array of modern day metalworking technologies. This can include electrical discharge machining, electrochemical machining, ultrasonic machining, and more. However, people refer to more traditional technology as “conventional machining.”
So, What is Machining?
Machining is the process used to cut and manipulate raw material for a finished product. It is a great way to ensure precision for unique shapes. Metalworkers use cutting, drilling, forming, grinding, and more to create a final component that is durable and accurate details.
Is Your Next Project in Need of Investment Casting?
Machining sometimes entails difficulties. So, it is important that metalworkers understand the investment casting process and machining process. At Ferralloy, we are experts on both. If you are in need of reliable castings and/or machining, we can assist you. Contact us today for more detail!