Heat treating baskets can be an efficient way to handle the parts finishing process. A well-designed basket is effective at keeping parts safe from damage and is often useful for a variety of processes. While the baskets can be made out of a variety of materials, steel fabrications are the best for a number of reasons. Let’s take a look at the benefits of using steel fabrications with your heat treating basket.

Heat Resistance

Obviously, when it comes to a heat treating basket, the biggest need is heat resistance. With steel, the heat resistance far exceeds that of plastic or other materials. The melting point of a basic stainless steel alloy is about 2,550 degrees Fahrenheit while even the strongest of plastics has a melting point of 750 degrees Fahrenheit.

High Load Capacity

On average, steel has a much higher tensile strength than plastic. The higher tensile strength of steel allows baskets made from this material to handle loads that would crush a frame made of plastic.

Lasts Longer

While there are many factors that can cause a plastic basket to fall apart, steel baskets, are able to resist those factors. They include being impervious to:

  • High temperatures damaging the polymer’s bonds
  • Chemicals soaking into the basket and contaminating it
  • Oxygenation of the basket decaying its molecular structure

Are You Looking for Heat Treating Baskets?

At Ferralloy we offer high-quality heat treating baskets in steel and other materials. Contact us to learn more about how we can get you the heat treating basket you need today.

What are heat treating baskets?