The ability of a metal to undergo deformation without cracking by means of forging is what experts call the forgeability of a metal. With this characteristic, metals can easily be formed with low force and resistance. For instance, closed die forging involves a process wherein the dies move toward each other by covering the metal. The heated raw material is placed at the bottom die to produce a design or shape according to specifications. To know more about the forgeability of the metal, please continue reading.

All about Forgeability
Tests to Determine Forgeability
According to experts, there are two primary tests to determine forgeability of a metal – Upsetting test and Hot-twist test. Upsetting test involves cracking while upsetting a cylindrical specimen. Although this test only provides basic guidelines, it uses different strain and temperature rates to ensure that forgeability can be determined.On the other hand, the hot-twist test requires the twisting of a metal rod at different temperature rates. Using this method, forgeability can be determined for various materials, including steel.
Extrusion Process
Extrusion is conducted by deforming metal and transporting it into a chamber before the compression process starts. In standard extrusion procedures, a round billet is placed in a chamber and forced through a die opening by a ram. Additionally, this process requires extreme temperature for the material to be completely formed.The methods of extrusion involved in forgeability of a metal are direct extrusion, indirect extrusion, hydrostatic extrusion, and impact extrusion.
Metal Flow
Metal flow is an important factor to consider when deforming a metal. It must have a substantial reduction in the cross-sectional part of the process to make sure that the flow is undisturbed. Also, extrusion defects may occur if there are impurities and oxides caused due to the inhomogeneous flow of metal. When this happens, surface defects will thrust or be expelled into the center of the extruded parts.
More Information about Closed Die Forging and Extrusion
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